Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Unit Plan

Unit Title: Am I so DiffErent?

The students will investigate how to create, conduct, and present information on a survey virtually. To help them find significance in this project the students will send their results to an audience abroad after blogging with them. They will also provide a written statistical analysis of their findings.

Essential Question :
How different are students in other countries?
Unit Questions:
What method would you use in displaying thoughts and ideas about your country/state/town/school?
Content Questions:
What type of survey would you conduct to gather your data? How are histograms created from frequency tables?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Module 1 Reflection

This module has made me think about my role as an instructional designer in the following ways...
  • To relate my unit plan to relevant subjects that would interest my students.
  • Make a connection to current jobs.
  • Find opportunities to connect the unit to possible scholarship opportunities.
  • Present a community element into my unit plan.
  • Research websites that are relevant and useful.
  • Integrate different resources into my instruction.